Where are the good works? Where the acts of service? What happened to that hospitality that we Christians were once famous for? What has happened to our eyes, that we are blinded to the needs around us? What’s become of our hearts, once so attuned to others and anxious to serve?
Simple unselfishness is what’s it’s called. Simple is not what we have made it. Simple is the mindset given by grace that seeks continually the things above, not the things below.
“So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ -- that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective. Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life -- even though invisible to spectators -- is with Christ in God. He is your life. When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you’ll show up, too -- the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ.”(Colossians 3.1-4, MSG)
Who lives like this, really? Content with obscurity?? That’s ridiculous these days. First, do everything you can not to be obscure, and second, don’t be content until you’re well known! But that’s not the way of Christ, brethren, not even close.
“And that means killing off everything connected with that way of death: sexual promiscuity, impurity, lust, doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, and grabbing whatever attracts your fancy. That’s a life shaped by things and feelings instead of by God. It’s because of this kind of thing that God is about to explode in anger.”
This is the way we have grown up into; materialism, greed, selfishness, self-preservation. The age of “me”, as my padre calls it. But we can’t just sit around partaking in this and blaming the world around us, we really can’t expect them to do anything different. But us, now we are the ones who should know better.
“It wasn’t long ago that you were doing all that stuff and not knowing any better. But you know better now, so make sure it’s all gone for good: bad temper, irritability, meanness, profanity, dirty talk. Don’t lie to one another. You’re done with that old life. It’s like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you’ve stripped off and put in the fire. Now you’re dressed in a new wardrobe. Every item of your new way of life is custom-made by the Creator, with his label on it. All the old fashions are now obsolete. Words like Jewish and non-Jewish, religious and irreligious, insider and outsider, uncivilized and uncouth, slave and free, mean nothing. From now on everyone is defined by Christ, everyone is included in Christ. So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ -- the Message -- have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives -- words, actions, whatever -- be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.” (Colossians 3.5-17, MSG)
Each of us has this responsibility and obligation on our lives, to live in love as a genuine response to what God has done for us. We owe Him everything….
The thing is, His way is better. It honestly is. Everything He’s ever instructed us to do, through commandments and scripture’s exhortation, is for our personal good as well as the good of the kingdom. We’ll be better off if we stop trying so hard to make our own way.
“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 16. 25, NASB)
Romans 14.22-15.6 (MSG)
“Cultivate your own relationship with God, but don’t impose it on others. You’re fortunate if your behavior and your belief are coherent. But if you’re not sure, if you notice that you are acting in ways inconsistent with what you believe -- some days trying to impose your opinions on others, other days just trying to please them -- then you know that you’re out of line. If the way you live isn’t consistent with what you believe, then it’s wrong.
Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?” That’s exactly what Jesus did. He didn’t make it easy for himself by avoiding people’s troubles, but waded right in and helped out. “I took on the troubles of the troubled,” is the way Scripture puts it. Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it’s written for us. God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever he will do next. May our dependable steady and warmly personal God develop maturity in you so that you get along with each other as well as Jesus gets along with us all.”
ironically, on halloween
That's right folks, ''living, dead, people''. all three things. 2 adjectives, 1 noun. let's break it down, you know; drop the beat. : )
Ephesians 2.4-5
"But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions -- it is by grace you have been saved." (emhasis, and color, mine)
In thinking about this, how can a person be both alive and dead at the same time? Apparently, it's happened. And to us Christians, to boot. I think it interesting that God made us alive even when we were dead. So that makes me a living dead person, right? I mean, how can we be both living and dying at the same time?
Perhaps this has more to do with our dual nature, that we are both flesh and spirit. Maybe it is that before we knew Christ, both our flesh and spirit were marked for death and judgment, and eternal separation from God. Then, when the gospel was preached to us and we believed, our Spirits were transferred from death and marked for life. And so our flesh is still marked for death because of the sin that has destroyed physical life on the earth, but our Spirits marked for the eternal life that comes through faith in the Son of God.
Earlier in Ephesians, (1.19-20) Paul writes about the incomparably great power of God, which was displayed when He rose Christ from the dead. That same power is something that Paul prays for the Ephesians to know, to really understand and live from. And he says that power is for us who believe. One way to see that is that God's mighty strength, the awesomeness of which was shown when He raised Christ from the dead, is available to us and working on our behalf. But another way to look at it is that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is resurrecting our dead Spirits and marking them for life.
That just intrigues me. I'm a living dead person, by the power and grace of God.
Thought I'd share....
Picktown ramblings...
Well, i’ve been traveling again. not too far, this time, not to another country or anything; not really traveling. but i did leave my own home, board a plane, and arrive shortly thereafter many hundreds of miles east of my departure place.
Home of cheese-steaks (with cheese-whiz? *grimace*), soft pretzel companies, and my dear friends; i’ll call them ‘Kiki’ and ‘Jayvon’. Those names, of course, are only slightly exaggerated.
Kiki and Jayvon used to live here in
I couldn’t stand the absence more than one month.
call me crazy, but they have a 2nd bedroom … it’s real nice.
Anyways, i had the great pleasure of spending a weekend with them. Jayvon started making his hard cider after we found some un-pasteurized apple cider. we made a pie, took a walk, ate PRETZELS (fist pump!), and played 4 games of the “settlers of catan”. a-mazing.
cheese-steaks aren’t bad, either.
still existing
i'm alive.
maybe i'll be writing soon?
Pictures from outreach
That link is
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DTS Outreach to Guatemala |
I know it has been a great length of time since I have posted, and even more time since something of value was written here, but I am willing to give it a try if and when God leads.
For now, enjoy the pics.
keep looking.
This happens to me, pretty often. Not going to lie. I feel like I hear or see something from God, but it's vague, the picture is fuzzy, or not complete. The scene ends too quickly, there's no resolution. No outcome. Or the words sound like mine, or confuse me, or don't hold meaning for my situation. What do I do? What do you do?
Here's what Daniel did:
"while I was contemplating . . . I kept looking until thrones were set up,"
He sees. He contemplates. And he doesn't back down, he doesn't leave, unsatisfied, but too lazy to wait like I am. He keeps looking. And he gets one of the sweetest visions of God recorded in the bible. I hope it inspires you to the glory of Jesus:
"I kept looking until thrones were set up, and the Ancient of Days took His seat; His vesture was white like snow and the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was ablaze with flames, its wheels were a burning fire. A river of fire was flowing and coming out from before Him; thousands upon thousands were attending Him, and myriads upon myriads were standing before Him; the court sat, and the books were opened. Then I kept looking . . . and behold, with the clouds of heaven one like a Son of Man was coming, and He came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all th epeoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed." (Daniel 7.8-14, emphasis mine)
I am encouraged that in this occurrence, Daniel ''kept looking'' three times (I left one out, feel free to read the whole thing). Makes me more steadfast to do the same.
So, confused about something you're hearing or seeing from the Lord? . . . I can't answer right now, I've got to go keep looking.
a thought on enslavement
Could be a parent you don't live with, someone you once loved, someone you hate, etc. . .
Well it really doesn't matter who it is, but you know as well as I do that when you look at things in the light, those people affect you negatively when you are with them. Now negatively is maybe the wrong word, maybe I'm thinking more ''without you wanting them to affect you". That's a little better. The point is, you're not yourself. You feel expectations stronger, you feel attached to a behavior you thought you had done off with. It can cause resentment, confusion, frustration: I know.
Who ever gave those people that power? I don't remember handing someone my heart and saying: "here, please take every occasion we are together and wreak havoc on my nervous system, I like it when my heart beats out of control and my legs shake." nope, I didn't ask.
So I was pondering, as I could not sleep for nickels, and began to read in 2 Peter. I believe the inspired words of God apply here:
"For speaking out arrogant words of vanity they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality, those who barely escape from the ones who live in error, promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved." (2 Peter 2.18-19)
I was struck with a meaning, from the word 'overcome', that's exactly what I've felt in this type of situation, that who I was and was most of the time was overcome, almost overridden, and someone else (unknowingly and probably not wanting to) had taken the reins. I read on, and realized that I've enslaved myself to these situations. I think by now it's how I expect to act in them. And so, I've subconsciously subjected myself to another person, who does not know it. It's really weird.
Ok ok, trying to get to the point here . . . Jesus didn't die on the cross for me to be enslaved all of my life. He wants me to be free, even more than I want to be free. And so I am on a quest for freedom. Guarding my heart, perhaps withdrawing where necessary, in general praying a heck of a lot more. Trying to see what the will of God is.
Are you enslaved? Don't be another moment. "It was for freedom that Christ set us free."
"If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free . . . truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever, the son does remain forever. So if the son makes you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8.32-36)
i love weekends.
Today, is Saturday. It was wonderful! i woke up, went for a run, cleaned my room, cleaned my desk off, watched most of Fargo, then played the guitar a little and read my bible. then . . .
i cleaned up and went to a wedding. Sarah Tinon, this very evening, married Matthew Smith. It was a lovely wedding, as lovely as Sarah herself. It just fit their whole family so well, i enjoyed myself immensely. Yay for weddings! and yay for Tinons too, they're swell people.
So it's saturday night, tomorrow i get to go to church. and spend the day with Jesus. i am just pretty pysched.
Where are you. i'm praying:
to bring the boats home, love
i will stay right here, by this lonely ocean
my eyes a beacon for your journey
time and time again you could find me
were this to be the day we meet
every day i wake up to wishing
my heart is with you where you are
wherever that is . . .
danger on the seas, the redded sky is
warning me to watch and pray
knowing you alone could be drowning
crashed by breakers, storms and waves
someday you will know, for i will tell you
of all the nights i spent in tears
sitting on the sand of hopes and glory
a fire of hope to warm my spirits
to keep waiting for you . . .
that's balderdash -- from Cake Day
I.B.C.A. actually stands for the "International Brick Collectors Association." who collects bricks?
Chankings = "Food which is spit out such as olive pits, watermelon seeds, etc." but we also liked: "the sounds of horses' hooves on city owned pavement", "the rear flank scraps of livestock used in dog food."
Pinto Colvig (person): we liked "the inventor of pinto beans," and "a famous russian who ate chankings," and "a mexican-irish renegade who led the raid on gloucester in 1936."
"Ladies should Listen" (movie): our picks? "The story of 4 young co-eds en route to their spring break destination of Daytona Beach, Fla., who managed to arrive instead in Winnipeg, Manitoba." "A group of elderly women in a community knitting club "close their ears" to a new attender, Sylvia Rocktree, whose premonitions about the town drunk turn out to be 'dead-on'."
Nictitate = "the winking of the eye."
Levoduction = "the turning of the eye to the left."
Did you know that there are such societies as 'P.L.O.W.', which stands for Petunia Lovers of the World, and 'D.D.S.", Diving Dentists Society.
"Trollenberg Terror" (movie): "One-eyed aliens with octopus-like arms try to take over a small town in Switzerland." Other options? "A renegade trolley operator chooses random victims to run down in the streets of San Fransisco." "look out Trollenberg - Baby Hans has hit the terrible two's and his side splitting antics will have you howling for more." "The story of Hitler's mistress, whose botched plastic surgery leads to a retaliatory strike on the office where surgery was performed."
Ushabti (a word): we would like it to mean "a casserole consisting of deep fried sushi nuggets and steamed broccoli, and long wheat noodles." "a term used by superior indians for 'canoe'." "a mongolian favorite made from lamb flanks seasoned with field grass and butterfly wings, sauteed in llama spit."
"The Crime of Dr. Hallet" (movie): first filmed in 1938, this picture is about a jungle doctor who fakes his own disappearance by taking over a dead helper's identity. Our plot lines . . . "in this medical "who done it", Ben Thompson wakes from his amnesia to find a bomb installed instead of a pacemaker." "The good Dr. is called upon to extract chankings from a toddler's nasal passages, but neglects his duty to nictitate at the pretty nurse." "a crazed physician who goes on a mass murdering spree on his wealthy, unappreciative patients."
Nuzzling = "the sound commonly emitted by Camel."
There you have it.
a working girl
In all honesty, the ''women's work'' you think of when that term is mentioned (housework, cooking, cleaning, decorating, caring for youngins, etc) is what I most sincerely want to do in life. But that will come in time, if the good Lord is willing.
Anyways, all that to say . . . I'm working. I've got a job, and I'm working!!! It's not what you'd automatically call ''women's work,'' but most of the people I work with are women. It's quiet work, filing, filling out forms, medical records, calling people . . . sorting mail, doing odd jobs. But I'm really excited. It appears that I may have my own desk soon at the office, which means I can put up a few pictures of the people who mean most!
It's great to be working. I feel structured again, purposeful. Life has MEANING! Just kidding. :) It had tons of meaning before I ever got a job. Jesus is still my meaning, no matter what kind of job I am working. I wanna figure out how to make Jesus the center meaning of all things in my life. You know the song "Chicago"? It says "all things go, all things go, to Chicago." Somehow I just thought of that. Not that all things go to Jesus, but all things come from Him. The center. Yeah. That's what I want.
Got another sweet taste of community last night with the girls, Aleen, Tonya, Bethany, and Shannon. It was like YWAM small group all over again. It felt so good to be vulnerable again, I know by now that the freedom on the other side is sweet enough to go through any heartache. And so, I do feel a little freer today.
Aleen is taking me out to shop for scrubs tonight. yay! I look good posing as a nurse . . .
Rubiks Cubes
The baby dedication was great, and we're back in Ohio. Aleen and Caleb are here with us, which is nice. Tomorrow I start my new job, I'm pretty excited, and then we are having a girls night!
. . . later . . .
I'm a little more awake! yippee! had dinner, ran, showered, etcetera. and now, the mental preparation for work tomorrow, day 1. I'm really excited to be having a job again, to have a schedule to my days. Here I was thinking it would end all my scheduling problems to have a 10:30-2:30 schedule, but then madre and I start talking about having my cousin Leah over for a weekend and things get crazy. I love my schedule for evening and weekends, but for lunches and day trips it's no good. oh well, you can't have it both ways I guess
I came across this quote in a wine ad at the hotel saturday night (why do I read wine ads? don't ask.) and it got me thinking: "can you harvest a way of life?" that's what the quote said, with regard to wine/grapes. But now I'm wondering if,
by sowing the seeds of what I like
can I harvest indeed, a way of life?
I'm not sure. But if true, it lends itself to intentionality in these days, a theme that I come across from time to time with much regularity. Re-occurrence of this theme probably means that it is quite important, but seeing as how it's not my way of life yet it means I still haven't got it.
Well, I'm in for a nice night watching "Driving Miss Daisy," a 1990 film with Morgan Freeman and Dan Ackroyd that my parents love. I'll go to bed early, I hope, because . . .
i have to work tomorrow!!!
Popcorn with the Pops with the Kitchens
Going to MD for Caleb's dedication this weekend, and I got a job! I start Tuesday at a Pediatric office here in Picktown. I get to do medical records. Should be sa-weet.
Um, doing well this fine day, it was a really good day. I bought scrubs for my job. Had lunch with my padre, and bought shoes for my job too. Then I cleaned, and went over to Eric and Sara's. Now I'm watching "King of Comedy", this old movie with Robert DeNiro and Jerry Lewis. I currently think that it's lame. :) still I watch. . .
Well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Because mine is going to ROCK!!!!!
Psalm 31, Message
I run to you, God; I run for dear life.
Don’t let me down! Take me seriously this time!
Get down on my level and listen, and please -- no procrastination!
Your granite cave a hiding place, your high cliff aerie a place of safety.
You’re my cave to hide in, my cliff to climb.
Be my safe leader, be my true mountain guide.
Free me from hidden traps; I want to hide in you.
I’ve put my life in your hands.
You won’t drop me, you’ll never let me down.
I hate all this silly religion, but you, God, I trust.
I’m leaping and singing in the circle of your love;
you saw my pain, you disarmed my tormentors,
you didn’t leave me in their clutches but gave me room to breathe.
Be kind to me, God -- I’m in deep, deep trouble again.
I’ve cried my eyes out; I feel hollow inside.
My life leaks away, groan by groan; my years fade out in sighs.
My troubles have worn me out, turned my bones to powder.
To my enemies I’m a monster; I’m ridiculed by the neighbors.
My friends are horrified; they cross the street to avoid me.
They want to blot me from memory, forget me like a corpse in a grave,
discard me like a broken dish in the trash.
The street-talk gossip has me “criminally insane”!
Behind locked doors they plot how to ruin me for good.
Desperate, I throw myself on you: you are my God!
Hour by hour I place my days in your hand, safe from the hands out to get me.
Warm me, your servant, with a smile; save me because you love me.
Don’t embarrass me by not showing up; I’ve given you plenty of notice.
Embarrass the wicked, stand them up,
leave them stupidly shaking their heads as they drift down to hell.
Gag those loudmouthed liars who heckle me, your follower, with jeers and catcalls.
What a stack of blessing you have piled up for those who worship you,
ready and waiting for all who run to you to escape an unkind world.
You hide them safely away from the opposition.
As you slam the door on those oily, mocking faces, you silence the poisonous gossip
Blessed God! His love is the wonder of the world.
Trapped by a siege, I panicked.
“Out of sight, out of mind,” I said.
But you heard me say it, you heard and listened.
Love God, all you saints; God takes care of all who stay close to him,
but he pays back in full those arrogant enough to go it alone.
Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up.
Expect God to get here soon.
Good morning, one month later. I have been longing to write but haven’t felt reason to do so, haven’t felt there was anything that I had to say. But that’s ok, if I never again have something to say; that’s ok. Because God has things to say, and I can just be quiet.
Well, I won’t lie. It’s hard being home, not because home is a hard place but because I’m at a hard place. It’d probably be hard to be anywhere right now, and I just have to accept that. I think the hardest part is feeling alone: DTS provides this iron-strong community that is difficult to leave once you’ve been in it. Please understand, I don’t wish to be back in DTS, or in
There are lots of things I’m working on doing, like getting a job for starters. But for the kingdom. Unfortunately, things seem to be happening very slowly. I say that I am here for the foreseeable future, and that is true. A part of me thinks and hopes it won’t be too long.
With those random things said, I had it on my heart to post this Psalm this morning. As I struggle through loneliness and frustration and faith, the Psalms are becoming more dear to me because they say the things I want to say but don’t know how, they put words in my mouth for me when my mouth won’t even open. This is a Psalm I read this morning, and the Holy Spirit (our comforter) used it to comfort my soul. I’m a little more at peace than I was waking up, a little more joyful, but still relatively quiet. That’s something that usually doesn’t last long so we’ll see what God is up to in it.
The day is still young, and God is at work in it. I wonder what He is doing today . . .
Quick! Do something manly!
I hope you all enjoy this movie I made on outreach in Guatemala. I think it's pretty funny.
home and alone
Yes, DTS is over. And here I am back home, in Ohio, looking for a job and sorting out what's to come next. But mainly, my focus is on my relationship with Christ. Jobs are a little important, you know, making money and the like, but to me it's important because it's what God told me to do next: find a job. Then after that? I don't know. and I may not get to know for some time.
That's OK. Because I can trust the character of God that no matter what I am going through, He is here with me. So even though I may feel terribly alone (which I do feel sometimes, depending on the hour) I am encouraged even by these long-ago written words on this page:
"but as for me, the nearness of God is my good."
Without Christ, I am nothing. Without His presence, my life is meaningless. Without His Holy Spirit, I am useless.
And so I resolve to do nothing of my own power, nothing of my own ambition, nothing to further my name. . . but to do everything He asks me to do with all that I have within me. What does this look like? Stay tuned. . .
before i say goodbye. . .
1) i will be periodically updating this blog and/or sending out mass emails depending on the amount of time and internet connections available.
2) there will be a team update posted on the YWAM Chico website every week, so you can at least get generic information as to what we are doing and where. That update will be found here unless i notify you otherwise.
3) our time in Guatemala looks roughly like this:
Antigua - 3 weeks
San Pedro - 2 weeks
Guatemala City - 2 weeks
i know that's nothing exact, but i don't know much more. our team would appreciate any prayer or intercession that you would partner with us in, and i personally look forward to sharing reports of God's faithfulness with you either from Guatemala or upon our return. We'll be back May 19th, graduate May 20th, and then this wonderful thing called DTS will be over. What a phenomenon.
Well friends, i've got to go and weigh my suitcase to make sure it is suitable for travel. i love you all and am praying for you. thank you for partnering with me in relationship!
all for the glory of God,
after time, come words
So i've skipped a week, eh? ok. recap of the last week, called ''spiritual warfare'' and taught by Dean Sherman. This Mr. Sherman is what YWAM calls a 'legend' and 'amazing speaker'. i have not so far been disappointed! He's absolutely hilarious, brilliant in presentation, but humble in conversation and approach to each day's lectures. It's been very enjoyable.
This week has been on "Relationships" also taught by Dean Sherman. It's rad that we get him for 2 weeks straight, he has a lot of insight and wisdom and is super funny. He does all these antics all morning long in class, but doesn't compromise the message just to be funny. i'm still getting lots of revelation!
It rained a lot this week, which was LAME. cold and rainy, supposed to actually snow which doesn't happen, but the rain is just as bad. ick. oh well! guess what?!!! i leave for Guatemala in 25 days. . .yes, i believe that our team leaves Sunday the 25th whereas the Fiji team leaves the 24th. That seems to be the plan.
Cool news, i still enjoy being here, like the people, the atmosphere, am learning, and moving forward with God. super psyched for outreach.
and hopefully soon i will sit myself down and write some thoughts on deep things for you all. for now, this is just to say that i am well. i hope you are too!
email me, call me, write me, i'd love to hear from you! love to you!
a quiet weekend.
not physically, understand, it's 70 and sunny in Chico. i actually got HOT yesterday. weird, huh?
this week was:
--Mike White
(in prose, recapped, as follows)
i knew there was something special about Mike White the first time i laid eyes on him. we had just gotten back from Steph's ranch and the dinner at chipotle on the way home. it'd been a long, tiring, but amazingly fun weekend. it was great to get away, go four-wheeling, encourage her church, and receive sweet bear hugs from her dad. the chipotle wasn't bad either.
i walked in, the first car to get back. mike (our mike, in DTS, michael wilson) and his mom, brother, and friends are there. he says Mike White came to hang out with us, but we weren't there. he came saturday, just to chill with us! wow! some 10 minutes later in comes this man, Mike White, and starts getting to know people. i do my formal introduction, as the hospitality lady you know, but he immediately puts me at ease. this man is all about relationship. all week long he modeled for us the Father's heart, time after time. Mike White woke up every morning and came to breakfast with us at 6:45. he spent his free time hanging out in the lodge with us. he took our entire DTS, BLS, and staff to in-n-out (burgers, it's a west coast thing apparently) and to an ice cream place. he brought stuffed animals for us all and held a graduation. he prayed for us. he has myspace!
i wrote him a song, out of deep appreciation. this was a week of rest, which i needed because i had stomach sickness all week. who knows what that was all about. i honestly saw Jesus in this man, a side of Him that i don't see all the time. what Mike said in class was good, but the fact that he displayed it among us made it so much more real.
this weekend 5 of the girls went to Oregon to Chantelle's house. Jake's in Sacramento with friends, Raychel's at home, and Dongman's at Yosemite with the ESL students. the ESL went away this weekend too, all but 2, one group to San Fran and one group to Yosemite. so there are 4 girls on the whole floor, and 6 guys. but it's SO quiet. there's a huge conference of youth, about 200 junior high and high-schoolers. it's CRAZY! but the lodge is still quiet. and my roommate is in oregon, it's SO WEIRD to have a room to myself. it's been 6 weeks! this is a crazy world, eh?
went to a welcome dinner/potluck at Trish's house last night, i met Trish at Matthew's (Matthew's Cafe, the church i go to here in Chico) 2 weeks ago and she invited me to this dinner connections deal. Mike, Andria M, and i went over to her house last night and with 7 others ate and fellowshipped. it was a really fun time. and at church this morning, i actually knew people who knew my name! yeah. that's so cool. the meeting this morning was really good, the sermon about submitting to one another and we had communion too. i'm so impressed with this place, and overjoyed that i get to go there while i'm here!
well, the week coming up is Spiritual Warfare, with Dean Sherman. highly acclaimed. we shall see. . . . . .
i hope you all are well in your respective locations. i pray for you. i miss you. i think of you. God bless you!
Today. . .

Hey guys! Today is finally sunny again, probably the first sunny day in week and a half or so. it's just NICE. and i am officially an aunt! Caleb Jonathan Tindor was born on Saturday, February 10th. 8 lbs, 7 oz, 21 1/4 inches long. He's so beautiful, look at the pictures! it makes me so happy. i'm sad, though, because i won't see him till sometime in June. that's disappointing. oh well. at least he and Aleen are both healthy and happy. yay!
so i'm going to Guatemala! cool beans, eh?

yeah. that's where i'm going!
here's the layout o my team:
Brandon & Julia
Dana & Rosa
Andrea (Canada)
Kara (me!)
i'm excited about the team layout. it's a good group of people, with good leaders. i'm also happy to start language classes today with Rosa teaching. She's from Columbia originally, and she and Dana (her husband) have been staffing in Guatemala for 7 months of the last year. so things are starting to shape up as far as outreach plans are concerned. yippee! please continue in prayer for our teams, both my team and the Fiji team, for unity, preparation, guidance, wisdom, and also finances. the Fiji trip is more expensive and there are quite a few people still needing funds. mine is all covered, no worries, but we appreciate any prayers in that direction for the whole team. thanks!
well that's it for me today, have a blessed day! i love you all!
outreach update
looking a little back
But anyways, i was laying around on the couch and just cracking jokes with whoever would walk through, and then i just got amazed again that i am here and learning and all the stuff that comes with DTS. this is by far the coolest experience of my life so far!
This week we are learning about walking in the Spirit, and how it is possible to live in victory and not sin. we are not under compulsion to sin, guys, God would not command us to live sinlessly if it was impossible. so why aren't we trying? that's what i've been asking myself. there's a lot of cool revelation and truth coming from this week, and this is only the 2nd day of the lecture! our speaker is Bernie Ogilvy, from New Zealand. he spent a term in parliament there recently, and just got back to speaking at YWAMs recently. i think maybe we're the 3rd school since he got out of parliament. something like that. he's so rad! i'm really enjoying it.
in other news, it's supposed to rain here tomorrow. we're all pulling for some liquid from the clouds, if you know what i mean. it's apparently been a long time coming. also, some of the guys have been growing out their facial hair and just yesterday shaved. they shaved some nasty mustaches and have been walking around like hillbillies. it's so funny. they keep reminding us that it's an opportunity to show the love of Christ despite how someone looks. i just have a hard time looking at them without pleading them to shave. oh well. :)
oh yeah. before i'm done. today is Caleb Jonathan Tindor's due date. i really really really really hope that he comes before the day is out! i talked to Aleen this morning, and no movement. but i'm praying! i'm praying for him to come and for Jake to shave his stash. God answers prayer, right???!!!!
Ok, ya'll have a great day, k? love you!
Downtown Chico
So last friday we went to downtown Chico and prayer-walked the streets. It was really cool. Then last night we went back to this little park with a fountain and stage and we played worship and talked to people. Jake, Raychel, Andria, Peter, and I ''led'' worship, but it was so super casual that people jumped on and off the stage, forsaking their positions to talk to people. It was sweet. 2 students from Chico State had been out to the base yesterday afternoon to tour because they are considering DTS or Mission Building. I met them and invited them to come to the park. They came and hung out for about an hour. They're a part of Intervarsity (a Christian organization on campus) and in talking to them I was able to share a verse I had gotten for them while we were in intercession this week. It was so rad! I'm really hoping to attend at least one of their meetings while I'm here and be able to encourage them. Some of our team prayed for a girl's ear last night and she got healed! She was supposed to have surgery but now she doesn't have to! How cool is God! After about an hour we packed up and convened at Starbucks. I ended up talking to a Chico State student who was studying Statics, whatever that is. Actually, I understood some of it. He doesn't have any background in Christianity, and I talked about YWAM and what we learn and that kind of stuff, but I think it was all vague to him. I wish I would've just laid out the gospel to him. He seemed open enough. So, if you think of him, pray that he keeps running into people who are perhaps bolder than I am, and that he comes to know Christ. I want another chance, but at this point all I can do is release him and prepare for the next opportunity I have with any non Christian.
All in all, it was a good night. I'm really excited because we'll probably do this every friday while we're in lecture phase.
Can you believe that I've been here for a month already? It feels like I've only been here a few days! But it's good. 7 more weeks of lecture, supposedly. We'll see.
Ok, I'm off to watch people play soccer. Thanks for reading!
So I tried....
This week was really good, freeing in a lot of ways. The topic was "Plumbline", which was about aligning ourselves with truth and getting rid of stuff from the past. There was a lot of confession and forgiveness going on Thursday and Friday, in group setting. I thought it was really cool to be vulnerable yet to open up for the sake of freedom. I think I saw a little bit of why the bible says "confess your sins, one to another, that you may be healed." It was really hard, but so good. The freedom on this side is so sweet. And it really bonded us together as a team to hear deep and dark secrets, to extend the assurance of forgiveness from the Father, and to trust each other with our souls. I love these people more than I did before.
This week was exhausting, not going to lie. But it was good in a way that I didn't expect. The amount to which I was scared about this week is far overshadowed by the amount of freedom I have experienced. I think God is so cool for wanting us to be free! He extends such grace and forgiveness. Yeah.
Last week for church I went to this place called "Matthew's Cafe," it's a coffee shop during the week, church on sundays. It was so rad! So much cooler than I expected. I'm going to make that my home church while I'm here. I'm really psyched to go back there tomorrow!
Well, I guess that's the week, boring as it may seem there was indeed a lot that went on. Much of it, though, is intensely personal or only meaningful to me. So this is what you get!
Nothing yet as far as where I am going for outreach. Thanks so much for your prayers and friendship. I'm sorry that my posts are so lame!
I love you all!
The Balanced Christian Life
Things are going well, no worries. When there is news you will hear!
There are three parts to the Christian life that must be kept in balance. If one is emphasized more than the others, the true beauty of relationship with God will be compromised, and we will in live in frustration.
1. Being a child. (relationship, intimacy with God)
God is father, and we are His children. To keep close there must be communication. For Christians, that’s prayer. Prayer is conversation, talking to God, all day long. God wants to hear our voice. It’s not religion, it’s really all about relationship, praying because we want to get closer to God.
2. Becoming like Jesus.
Just as all children grown, we should be growing, changing the way we think and seeing with God’s
eyes. Our character and mind should look like Him.
3. Building the Kingdom.
As we have that close relationship with God and are becoming like Jesus, we will start to take on the priorities of God. Our question will not be, what can God do for me, but what can I do for God? His dream will become our dream.
Outreach Update
I am just lost about it all, but not in a bad way. I'm just chilling, waiting for God to speak. I believe He will. There's a lot to weigh on each side.
But I just wanted to keep the update going.
Things are going well here, apparently at this time of the year it should be raining nonstop and so far it hasn't rained a drop! Yay God for dry and sunny weather! now if only there was a way to water the earth without the days being rainy.......
I'll keep you all posted!
God Quotes my Poetry!
Hey everyone! It’s been 12 days that i’ve lived here in Chico, CA. i cant believe how fast and slow time can move at the same time! anyways, i wanted to try and wrap up this week for you all back home. it’ll probably be hard, and i may not be able to do it to completion, but hopefully some of it will speak to you. i know it’s spoken to me! ok so here goes, i’m going to try to diary it out for you day by day.
Sunday. January 14. 2007.
went to CityLight Church in Chico. the worship was really good, and the preaching was ok, encouraging but not amazing. one thing, the pastor used our DTS theme verse in his sermon. that was cool. (FYI, that verse is Jeremiah 33.3: “Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and might things, which you do not know.”) i went up for prayer about ‘future things’ and this super sweet lady prayed for me. i cried.
Monday, January 15. 2007.
in quiet time i sought revelation on Philemon 1.6. i still haven’t found where i want to be reading consistently, i’m kind of all over the place. “and i pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every god thing which is in you for Christ’s sake.” i didn’t get a whole lot, frustratingly. i just kind of defined the terms. you know.
We started a lecture topic this week taught by a guy named Jeshu Ram. “Hearing the Voice of God.” it started today. a few thoughts from lecture: “obedience releases God’s presence, but we should never obey for results. We obey to be obedient and to please God, not because of the results of our obedience.” “From Ephesians 1.17-19. revelation is not complete without application.” “Revelation does not come easy, it’s like treasure, it must be sought out.” “From John 10.1-5, Jesus the shepherd. Shepherds break the legs of the baby lambs to keep them from wandering off and being eaten. The shepherd then mends the leg and carries the lamb on his shoulder until the leg is healed, all the while speaking to the lamb so it will recognize his voice. in the same way God sometimes breaks us and mends us so that we rest on his shoulders and begin to recognize the voice of God.” “God wants to speak to you more than you want to hear from Him.”
These were some spastic but really cool things that i learned today. oh, and i cried.
Tuesday. January 16. 2007.
This is Lindsay Wade’s birthday! Happy birthday Lindz! today in quiet time i went back to something i had started before i left, a study into who all has seen God, what they saw, and then what they did in response. i was up to Genesis 28, where Jacob has his dream of the ladder to heaven. His response to seeing God was threefold: first it says he “He was afraid and said, how awesome is this place!” he fears God as response. the fear of God is a good response when we have seen Him because a glimpse of Him should bring our concepts of Him in line. Second, Jacob set up a pillar of remembrance, to remember the place where he had seen God. i think that my pillars of remembrance are my poetry and songs, but i’m not super purposeful in putting up my pillars. i think it’s necessary for when the times get rough and we need something to boost our faith. Third, Jacob made a vow to God. This response i wasn’t quite so sure about, because his vow had conditions, like “God if you do this, i’ll turn around and do that.” but a vow nonetheless is cool because it’s devotion and commitment. anyways, those were my thoughts from quiet time. in lecture we talked about how God should be the center of all avenues of our lives. what i’ve really appreciated so far about DTS is that everything revolves around the relationship with Christ. hearing God’s voice is all about the relationship, the intimate conversation that God desires to have with us. good stuff. i cried.
Wednesday. January 1 7. 2007.
Spent quiet time in prayer for friends and family back home. it was a good time. In lecture we talked about the hindrances that we face in hearing the voice of God. Here’s a truth, “the character of God doesn’t change because of the circumstances in our lives.” some of the hindrances are:
lack of love for God and others
callused conscience
fear of man
unconfessed sin
fear of making mistakes
then we came to the living room of the lodge where the leaders had built a fire. we spent time in quiet asking God to reveal to us if any of these things were hindering our walk with Him and our ability to hear His voice clearly. as God brought them to light we wrote them down, then one by one got up and confessed them publicly and threw them into the fire as a sign of leaving them behind. it was really powerful. i cried.
Thursday. January 18. 2007.
in quiet time i meditated on Romans 8.19: “for the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.” When Christ comes to set things right, all will be illumined and everything that was hidden will be revealed. We are all waiting for the revealing of God himself. i am a son (daughter) of God. that anxious longing is inside of me too. my anxious longing waits eagerly for…..
the revelation that i am a daughter of God? the truth of that fact? is that what my anxious longing is waiting eagerly for? i do wait to have it revealed to my that my true identity is as a child of God. and i agree that the anxious longing is inside of me. i yearn and eagerly desire revelation of the way things really are. Just some thoughts on that.
In lecture today, Jeshu, Bruce, and Stephen (the last two are staff members here on base) came in and ministered to us all in the DTS. it was a really cool time. i need to preface this. : )
we had worship first, and during worship i got this picture and sense that i was out to coffee with Christ. there we were, and i was sitting and telling God how cool He was and what i thought about Him. that was worship. then God told me to be quiet, and climb up on the chair with Him because HE wanted to talk to ME. He told me to wait patiently and just be satisfied with His nearness. : ) i was reminded later that this is my blog’s theme verse! that was cool. so i sat and waited patiently as most of the other people were ministered to. it was cool to just feel the closeness of my position with Christ and whisper in His ear my prayers for each one. and God spoke to me some of the same things that the speakers were feeling, which was confirmation that i can hear the voice of God. then it was my turn.
the first thing that was said confirmed what had been happening all morning, that i was waiting patiently and asking God what He wanted to say to me. then it flowed out. word after word of precious confirmation and truth. it was so sweet and tender. i don’t think that i can even begin to explain what happened, or list all of the things that were spoken over me, but if you email me for specifics i will do my best to give them to you! sorry. : ) needless to say, i cried.
Friday. January 19. 2007.
this morning in quiet time i spent the whole time trying to write down what had happened this week. then in lecture we took time and got quiet outside by ourselves and asked God two questions: 1. Lord Jesus, what do you think or feel about me? and 2. Lord Jesus, what are your plans and purposes for me?
this was a practical application of what we had learned all week, hearing the voice of God. this is where the title of this post comes in. the first thing that i felt God speaking to me was a line from a poem i had written to Him, that He was now speaking over me: “I speechless love your faithful face.” it blew me away. there were a lot of other things that i felt, but a lot of it was really personal and i’d rather not post it right now. maybe it will come. we all sat in a circle and shared what we had felt God spoke. i cried.
ok. so that’s my week in review.
i just want to encourage you all that God speaks, is speaking, and wants to speak more to you, each one of you. hearing His voice takes practice, and a willingness to trust God and step out in faith. it’s not some mystical thing that only happens to people who have known God forever and a day…..or just for their moms….but it’s for all believing Christians. God has things that He is probably saying to you and wouldn’t you like to know what they are! listen. take time in quiet. ask Him to clear your mind. make sure you don’t have any hidden sin confusing things. when you feel Him say something, when a thought comes across your mind, check it: does it go along with His word? does it glorify Jesus? does it match His character? is there a witness in your spirit? is there a witness with another person’s spirit? does it draw you closer to Jesus? if these things line up, step out in faith that you have heard God speak.
well it’s been a wonderful week of crying and learning and praying and listening. i’m so excited about what has happened this week. i’m sorry if this has been boring, and i’m very impressed if you’ve made it this far. i hope that through this Christ inspires you to listen for His voice. have a great week! email me! talk to me! i miss you all. love you!
peace --
wrapping up the week.
This week went really well. Week 1 of DTS consists (in Chico) of orientation, a few base meetings, a lot of random getting-to-know-you stuff, good food, hikes in the canyon, going to Walmart in Chico, and in general having a swell time.
We did start lectures wednesday, and i'm really excited. i think that these 5 months will be amazing. absolutely wonderful!
A few things about our group: we're VERY loud. It's just like home!
Anyways. What did i learn this week? i learned.........a lot! That you can never know what to expect! And that's not a bad thing! i also learned a little bit of God's unconditional love. And in class we were meditating on Jeremiah 33.3, our school's theme verse:
call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.
During the meditating i was struck by the fact that God has promised to answer us, when we call. It was a reminder of His statement: "I WILL answer you"....i needed that. i've been frustrated at the silence i feel when i'm praying and waiting on God, frustrated at my impatience and lack of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. i guess it's something you grow in. But anyways, it was an awesome reminder of God's faithfulness, that He is waiting for me to call to Him. He's not witholding His voice from me for any other reason than me not calling to Him. So i've decided to call to Him more often. i'll let you know how it all works out. :)
Tomorrow morning we're taking a van to City Lights, one of the local churches. There's also a Vineyard around that i would like to check out. We'll see.
Well, i just got the call to watch the movie, so i'm out for now. Love to you all, near and far away!
peace --
a thought from the word, for you.
through your faithful prayers and the generous response of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, everything He wants to do in and through me will be done. i can hardly wait to continue on my course.
Philippians 1.18-19 (MSG)
firsts from Cali!
Alright! So here i am, in
so far everyone is super cool. my roomie is the one from
this morning was breakfast, base meeting and worship, then orientation began. we did a base tour, played a game, ate lunch, talked about some rules, then dismissed. 11 of us took 3 cars into Chico to Walmart for necessities, In-n-out for dinner (go in-n-out! that place has good burgers), then the mall to walk around and shop. it was a fun bonding experience for us. one of the girls remarked on how odd it was to feel comfortable with strangers 24 hours after meeting them. we decided it has to be a God thing. i really think that God was personally involved in the details of this school, from who is here to who’s rooming with whom, and beyond. i’m not saying it won’t be hard, but i think it will be awesome because God is working to prepare us now. i’m excited.
i was reading in Colossians this morning, thinking about why i am here, and how i want to know God and His will for the next phase of my life. in 1.9-12 Paul writes:
“For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.”
right now this is my prayer for myself and for the other students in my school. that we would be filled with the knowledge of His will, in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, and that we would indeed walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. my heart’s desire is that we please Christ in all respects, and bear fruit and increase in knowledge. we’ll need strength from His glorious might to attain steadfastness and patience, and i pray too that we remember to be joyous and give thanks always.
the staff, in preparing for our arrival in prayer, chose verses for each of us. mine was Phillippians 4:4-7:
“rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: rejoice! let your gentleness be evident to all. the Lord is near. do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
i thought is was a cool connection then, to read this morning about being joyous. i’m reminded of the David Crowder song: “you are my joy”, and of the fact that Christ is all and in all. He is my hope, He is my joy, He is my salvation, He is my love, He is my redeemer, He is my friend, He is my father, He is my reward, He is my portion, He is my all. He is strength, He is peace, He is patience and perseverance. He is everything. “it is Your beautiful face i am waiting for, praying for, yearning for, wanting more of.” this is becoming my cry and i am so excited to find my life in Christ.
so, that’s a quick update from the west coast. i hope things are going well back home, and i’m praying for you from this side of the world. : ) thanks for your prayers and your support and your friendship!