
The Balanced Christian Life

This is a brief summary of part of the teaching last week. It was definitely more in depth and, well, deep, but I think this sums it up fairy well.

Things are going well, no worries. When there is news you will hear!

There are three parts to the Christian life that must be kept in balance. If one is emphasized more than the others, the true beauty of relationship with God will be compromised, and we will in live in frustration.

1. Being a child. (relationship, intimacy with God)

God is father, and we are His children. To keep close there must be communication. For Christians, that’s prayer. Prayer is conversation, talking to God, all day long. God wants to hear our voice. It’s not religion, it’s really all about relationship, praying because we want to get closer to God.

2. Becoming like Jesus.

Just as all children grown, we should be growing, changing the way we think and seeing with God’s

eyes. Our character and mind should look like Him.

3. Building the Kingdom.

As we have that close relationship with God and are becoming like Jesus, we will start to take on the priorities of God. Our question will not be, what can God do for me, but what can I do for God? His dream will become our dream.


Outreach Update

Hey guys! Most of you got this email but I wanted to make sure everyone got the word. Today it was announced that our DTS will split into two groups for outreach, one going to Guatemala and the other going to Fiji. We have till about monday to pray and decide where we each feel God is leading us.

I am just lost about it all, but not in a bad way. I'm just chilling, waiting for God to speak. I believe He will. There's a lot to weigh on each side.

But I just wanted to keep the update going.

Things are going well here, apparently at this time of the year it should be raining nonstop and so far it hasn't rained a drop! Yay God for dry and sunny weather! now if only there was a way to water the earth without the days being rainy.......

I'll keep you all posted!



God Quotes my Poetry!

Hey everyone! It’s been 12 days that i’ve lived here in Chico, CA. i cant believe how fast and slow time can move at the same time! anyways, i wanted to try and wrap up this week for you all back home. it’ll probably be hard, and i may not be able to do it to completion, but hopefully some of it will speak to you. i know it’s spoken to me! ok so here goes, i’m going to try to diary it out for you day by day.

Sunday. January 14. 2007.

went to CityLight Church in Chico. the worship was really good, and the preaching was ok, encouraging but not amazing. one thing, the pastor used our DTS theme verse in his sermon. that was cool. (FYI, that verse is Jeremiah 33.3: “Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and might things, which you do not know.”) i went up for prayer about ‘future things’ and this super sweet lady prayed for me. i cried.

Monday, January 15. 2007.

in quiet time i sought revelation on Philemon 1.6. i still haven’t found where i want to be reading consistently, i’m kind of all over the place. “and i pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every god thing which is in you for Christ’s sake.” i didn’t get a whole lot, frustratingly. i just kind of defined the terms. you know.

We started a lecture topic this week taught by a guy named Jeshu Ram. “Hearing the Voice of God.” it started today. a few thoughts from lecture: “obedience releases God’s presence, but we should never obey for results. We obey to be obedient and to please God, not because of the results of our obedience.” “From Ephesians 1.17-19. revelation is not complete without application.” “Revelation does not come easy, it’s like treasure, it must be sought out.” “From John 10.1-5, Jesus the shepherd. Shepherds break the legs of the baby lambs to keep them from wandering off and being eaten. The shepherd then mends the leg and carries the lamb on his shoulder until the leg is healed, all the while speaking to the lamb so it will recognize his voice. in the same way God sometimes breaks us and mends us so that we rest on his shoulders and begin to recognize the voice of God.” “God wants to speak to you more than you want to hear from Him.”

These were some spastic but really cool things that i learned today. oh, and i cried.

Tuesday. January 16. 2007.

This is Lindsay Wade’s birthday! Happy birthday Lindz! today in quiet time i went back to something i had started before i left, a study into who all has seen God, what they saw, and then what they did in response. i was up to Genesis 28, where Jacob has his dream of the ladder to heaven. His response to seeing God was threefold: first it says he “He was afraid and said, how awesome is this place!” he fears God as response. the fear of God is a good response when we have seen Him because a glimpse of Him should bring our concepts of Him in line. Second, Jacob set up a pillar of remembrance, to remember the place where he had seen God. i think that my pillars of remembrance are my poetry and songs, but i’m not super purposeful in putting up my pillars. i think it’s necessary for when the times get rough and we need something to boost our faith. Third, Jacob made a vow to God. This response i wasn’t quite so sure about, because his vow had conditions, like “God if you do this, i’ll turn around and do that.” but a vow nonetheless is cool because it’s devotion and commitment. anyways, those were my thoughts from quiet time. in lecture we talked about how God should be the center of all avenues of our lives. what i’ve really appreciated so far about DTS is that everything revolves around the relationship with Christ. hearing God’s voice is all about the relationship, the intimate conversation that God desires to have with us. good stuff. i cried.

Wednesday. January 1 7. 2007.

Spent quiet time in prayer for friends and family back home. it was a good time. In lecture we talked about the hindrances that we face in hearing the voice of God. Here’s a truth, “the character of God doesn’t change because of the circumstances in our lives.” some of the hindrances are:

lack of love for God and others




callused conscience





fear of man



unconfessed sin


fear of making mistakes


then we came to the living room of the lodge where the leaders had built a fire. we spent time in quiet asking God to reveal to us if any of these things were hindering our walk with Him and our ability to hear His voice clearly. as God brought them to light we wrote them down, then one by one got up and confessed them publicly and threw them into the fire as a sign of leaving them behind. it was really powerful. i cried.

Thursday. January 18. 2007.

in quiet time i meditated on Romans 8.19: “for the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.” When Christ comes to set things right, all will be illumined and everything that was hidden will be revealed. We are all waiting for the revealing of God himself. i am a son (daughter) of God. that anxious longing is inside of me too. my anxious longing waits eagerly for…..

the revelation that i am a daughter of God? the truth of that fact? is that what my anxious longing is waiting eagerly for? i do wait to have it revealed to my that my true identity is as a child of God. and i agree that the anxious longing is inside of me. i yearn and eagerly desire revelation of the way things really are. Just some thoughts on that.

In lecture today, Jeshu, Bruce, and Stephen (the last two are staff members here on base) came in and ministered to us all in the DTS. it was a really cool time. i need to preface this. : )

we had worship first, and during worship i got this picture and sense that i was out to coffee with Christ. there we were, and i was sitting and telling God how cool He was and what i thought about Him. that was worship. then God told me to be quiet, and climb up on the chair with Him because HE wanted to talk to ME. He told me to wait patiently and just be satisfied with His nearness. : ) i was reminded later that this is my blog’s theme verse! that was cool. so i sat and waited patiently as most of the other people were ministered to. it was cool to just feel the closeness of my position with Christ and whisper in His ear my prayers for each one. and God spoke to me some of the same things that the speakers were feeling, which was confirmation that i can hear the voice of God. then it was my turn.

the first thing that was said confirmed what had been happening all morning, that i was waiting patiently and asking God what He wanted to say to me. then it flowed out. word after word of precious confirmation and truth. it was so sweet and tender. i don’t think that i can even begin to explain what happened, or list all of the things that were spoken over me, but if you email me for specifics i will do my best to give them to you! sorry. : ) needless to say, i cried.

Friday. January 19. 2007.

this morning in quiet time i spent the whole time trying to write down what had happened this week. then in lecture we took time and got quiet outside by ourselves and asked God two questions: 1. Lord Jesus, what do you think or feel about me? and 2. Lord Jesus, what are your plans and purposes for me?

this was a practical application of what we had learned all week, hearing the voice of God. this is where the title of this post comes in. the first thing that i felt God speaking to me was a line from a poem i had written to Him, that He was now speaking over me: “I speechless love your faithful face.” it blew me away. there were a lot of other things that i felt, but a lot of it was really personal and i’d rather not post it right now. maybe it will come. we all sat in a circle and shared what we had felt God spoke. i cried.

ok. so that’s my week in review.

i just want to encourage you all that God speaks, is speaking, and wants to speak more to you, each one of you. hearing His voice takes practice, and a willingness to trust God and step out in faith. it’s not some mystical thing that only happens to people who have known God forever and a day…..or just for their moms….but it’s for all believing Christians. God has things that He is probably saying to you and wouldn’t you like to know what they are! listen. take time in quiet. ask Him to clear your mind. make sure you don’t have any hidden sin confusing things. when you feel Him say something, when a thought comes across your mind, check it: does it go along with His word? does it glorify Jesus? does it match His character? is there a witness in your spirit? is there a witness with another person’s spirit? does it draw you closer to Jesus? if these things line up, step out in faith that you have heard God speak.

well it’s been a wonderful week of crying and learning and praying and listening. i’m so excited about what has happened this week. i’m sorry if this has been boring, and i’m very impressed if you’ve made it this far. i hope that through this Christ inspires you to listen for His voice. have a great week! email me! talk to me! i miss you all. love you!

peace --



wrapping up the week.

Hello, and welcome to day 6 of life in Chico, CA. This will be fast, because we're all about to watch Nacho Libre and chill out for the night.

This week went really well. Week 1 of DTS consists (in Chico) of orientation, a few base meetings, a lot of random getting-to-know-you stuff, good food, hikes in the canyon, going to Walmart in Chico, and in general having a swell time.

We did start lectures wednesday, and i'm really excited. i think that these 5 months will be amazing. absolutely wonderful!

A few things about our group: we're VERY loud. It's just like home!

Anyways. What did i learn this week? i learned.........a lot! That you can never know what to expect! And that's not a bad thing! i also learned a little bit of God's unconditional love. And in class we were meditating on Jeremiah 33.3, our school's theme verse:

call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.

During the meditating i was struck by the fact that God has promised to answer us, when we call. It was a reminder of His statement: "I WILL answer you"....i needed that. i've been frustrated at the silence i feel when i'm praying and waiting on God, frustrated at my impatience and lack of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. i guess it's something you grow in. But anyways, it was an awesome reminder of God's faithfulness, that He is waiting for me to call to Him. He's not witholding His voice from me for any other reason than me not calling to Him. So i've decided to call to Him more often. i'll let you know how it all works out. :)

Tomorrow morning we're taking a van to City Lights, one of the local churches. There's also a Vineyard around that i would like to check out. We'll see.

Well, i just got the call to watch the movie, so i'm out for now. Love to you all, near and far away!

peace --





a thought from the word, for you.

through your faithful prayers and the generous response of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, everything He wants to do in and through me will be done. i can hardly wait to continue on my course.

Philippians 1.18-19 (MSG)

firsts from Cali!

Alright! So here i am, in Chico, California. yay. i am incandescently happy tonight. yesterday was spent arriving and settling in, meeting the other DTSers, the leaders, and the BLSers. ok a little background. i’m in the DTS, 15 students from all over. Alaska, Winnipeg, Jersey, Ohio (me), St. Louis, Colorado, a few from Cali, South Korea, Austria, London, Oregon. the BLS is the leadership school that runs alongside the DTS. there are maybe 5 BLSers? i’m not quite sure of the number. they hang with us, have lectures with us, and will go on outreach with us. and then we have the 6 leaders who are officially staffing this school.

so far everyone is super cool. my roomie is the one from Winnipeg, and she seems to be a really neat girl. i am enjoying ‘dorm life’! the base is absolutely beautiful, so far i haven’t taken any pictures of the buildings but i’m working on it. the grounds are breathtaking; so peaceful and calm. the buildings are older and brick and quaint. everything is comfortable and nice. clean. quiet. i approve.

this morning was breakfast, base meeting and worship, then orientation began. we did a base tour, played a game, ate lunch, talked about some rules, then dismissed. 11 of us took 3 cars into Chico to Walmart for necessities, In-n-out for dinner (go in-n-out! that place has good burgers), then the mall to walk around and shop. it was a fun bonding experience for us. one of the girls remarked on how odd it was to feel comfortable with strangers 24 hours after meeting them. we decided it has to be a God thing. i really think that God was personally involved in the details of this school, from who is here to who’s rooming with whom, and beyond. i’m not saying it won’t be hard, but i think it will be awesome because God is working to prepare us now. i’m excited.

i was reading in Colossians this morning, thinking about why i am here, and how i want to know God and His will for the next phase of my life. in 1.9-12 Paul writes:

“For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.”

right now this is my prayer for myself and for the other students in my school. that we would be filled with the knowledge of His will, in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, and that we would indeed walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. my heart’s desire is that we please Christ in all respects, and bear fruit and increase in knowledge. we’ll need strength from His glorious might to attain steadfastness and patience, and i pray too that we remember to be joyous and give thanks always.

the staff, in preparing for our arrival in prayer, chose verses for each of us. mine was Phillippians 4:4-7:

“rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: rejoice! let your gentleness be evident to all. the Lord is near. do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

i thought is was a cool connection then, to read this morning about being joyous. i’m reminded of the David Crowder song: “you are my joy”, and of the fact that Christ is all and in all. He is my hope, He is my joy, He is my salvation, He is my love, He is my redeemer, He is my friend, He is my father, He is my reward, He is my portion, He is my all. He is strength, He is peace, He is patience and perseverance. He is everything. “it is Your beautiful face i am waiting for, praying for, yearning for, wanting more of.” this is becoming my cry and i am so excited to find my life in Christ.

so, that’s a quick update from the west coast. i hope things are going well back home, and i’m praying for you from this side of the world. : ) thanks for your prayers and your support and your friendship!




good friends

my girls!

all da girls.....and baby tindor (in the womb). hey caleb! what's up baby? smooches from aunty Kara!!!

ack! and panic sets in. :)

so i'm pretty much all packed. not going to lie. and my countdown says that i have only 10 hours until i leave for chico. yikes. it's all setting in so fast. . .big finish Kara!

i'm just chilling. here with the padres and the sestra and brat (not brat like screaming spoiled child, but brat in bosnian, which means brother). putting the last minute touches on my luggage, cleaning my room, trying to make sure i have done everything i was supposed to.

last night was a huge blessing. my girls (Ton, Bethany, Shannon, and Marjorie) took me out for dinner. they blindfolded me leaving the house, after forcing me to dress up and wear a skirt (oh horrors!),

and took 30 minutes driving around randomly to get somewhere 13 minutes from my house. they are too good to me. then, we watched the new Pride and Prejudice. ooooooooooooooh. it's GOOOOOD (see my serious eyes in your mind's eye). halfway through Marjorie, Bethany, and Shannon went out for coffee for us all and T helped me roll some things for my suitcase. then we reconvened, finished the movie, and proceeded to have fun late into the night.

i love these girls! they really made last night fun.

so today i spent packing, weighing suitcases, unpacking, repacking, and weighing more and different suitcases. i think that i'm set to go. i'm about to go upstairs and clean my room and get it ready for me. . .absense. that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but so be it. i'm super tired! and will be waking up early, my flight leaves at 6 am.

well i guess that's all for the night, next time you here from me i will be in (hopefully) sunny Chico California!

peace! (to you and me. . .)



last days

wow. wednesday of leaving week is here already. i guess this week has gone by super fast because of all the fun family activities we've had. . .they've taken my mind totally off of the fact that i'm leaving shortly. hmm.

so i officially quit kroger, i went in to work today so i can get vacation pay. gotta love vacation pay. :) apparently the social security office thinks that i am a man, so i have to go and fix that tomorrow. i'm definitely a female. go uncle sam.

said goodbye to my MHers and the other youth leaders today, that was sad. maggie: i miss you already! that's the last big thing this week for me, besides the actual leaving.

if i could offer life advice to anyone, i guess i'd say: (1) don't waste time, God's or yours, and (2) give it everything you've got. i have wasted a lot of time over the past 20 years focusing on what God was going to do in the future as opposed to what He was doing in the present. i regret being unfocused, divided. i hope that in the future my heart is undividedly Christ's. i was then thinking about how that kind of life takes perpetual surrender. giving it all you've got. really intentionally putting heart and soul into following Christ, into taking the same road He takes and walking in communion with Him on it. i hope that that is the kind of life i lead for the rest of my life. we've only just begun! so let me recount Hosea 6.3, one of my favorite verses:

"So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth."

may we press ever onward to the call of Christ Jesus! Glory to God in the highest, especially in these last days. talk to you all soon. . .