Hi Everybody! So sorry for the length between my updates, i'll pretend that i am preparing you all for the time that i spend in Guatemala where internet access is more infrequent. :) really, i'm just preoccupied mixed with lazy.
So i've skipped a week, eh? ok. recap of the last week, called ''spiritual warfare'' and taught by Dean Sherman. This Mr. Sherman is what YWAM calls a 'legend' and 'amazing speaker'. i have not so far been disappointed! He's absolutely hilarious, brilliant in presentation, but humble in conversation and approach to each day's lectures. It's been very enjoyable.
This week has been on "Relationships" also taught by Dean Sherman. It's rad that we get him for 2 weeks straight, he has a lot of insight and wisdom and is super funny. He does all these antics all morning long in class, but doesn't compromise the message just to be funny. i'm still getting lots of revelation!
It rained a lot this week, which was LAME. cold and rainy, supposed to actually snow which doesn't happen, but the rain is just as bad. ick. oh well! guess what?!!! i leave for Guatemala in 25 days. . .yes, i believe that our team leaves Sunday the 25th whereas the Fiji team leaves the 24th. That seems to be the plan.
Cool news, i still enjoy being here, like the people, the atmosphere, am learning, and moving forward with God. super psyched for outreach.
and hopefully soon i will sit myself down and write some thoughts on deep things for you all. for now, this is just to say that i am well. i hope you are too!
email me, call me, write me, i'd love to hear from you! love to you!
a quiet weekend.
hello friends. i hear it's cold where you all live. *grimace* i feel your pain.
not physically, understand, it's 70 and sunny in Chico. i actually got HOT yesterday. weird, huh?
this week was:
--Mike White
(in prose, recapped, as follows)
i knew there was something special about Mike White the first time i laid eyes on him. we had just gotten back from Steph's ranch and the dinner at chipotle on the way home. it'd been a long, tiring, but amazingly fun weekend. it was great to get away, go four-wheeling, encourage her church, and receive sweet bear hugs from her dad. the chipotle wasn't bad either.
i walked in, the first car to get back. mike (our mike, in DTS, michael wilson) and his mom, brother, and friends are there. he says Mike White came to hang out with us, but we weren't there. he came saturday, just to chill with us! wow! some 10 minutes later in comes this man, Mike White, and starts getting to know people. i do my formal introduction, as the hospitality lady you know, but he immediately puts me at ease. this man is all about relationship. all week long he modeled for us the Father's heart, time after time. Mike White woke up every morning and came to breakfast with us at 6:45. he spent his free time hanging out in the lodge with us. he took our entire DTS, BLS, and staff to in-n-out (burgers, it's a west coast thing apparently) and to an ice cream place. he brought stuffed animals for us all and held a graduation. he prayed for us. he has myspace!
i wrote him a song, out of deep appreciation. this was a week of rest, which i needed because i had stomach sickness all week. who knows what that was all about. i honestly saw Jesus in this man, a side of Him that i don't see all the time. what Mike said in class was good, but the fact that he displayed it among us made it so much more real.
this weekend 5 of the girls went to Oregon to Chantelle's house. Jake's in Sacramento with friends, Raychel's at home, and Dongman's at Yosemite with the ESL students. the ESL went away this weekend too, all but 2, one group to San Fran and one group to Yosemite. so there are 4 girls on the whole floor, and 6 guys. but it's SO quiet. there's a huge conference of youth, about 200 junior high and high-schoolers. it's CRAZY! but the lodge is still quiet. and my roommate is in oregon, it's SO WEIRD to have a room to myself. it's been 6 weeks! this is a crazy world, eh?
went to a welcome dinner/potluck at Trish's house last night, i met Trish at Matthew's (Matthew's Cafe, the church i go to here in Chico) 2 weeks ago and she invited me to this dinner connections deal. Mike, Andria M, and i went over to her house last night and with 7 others ate and fellowshipped. it was a really fun time. and at church this morning, i actually knew people who knew my name! yeah. that's so cool. the meeting this morning was really good, the sermon about submitting to one another and we had communion too. i'm so impressed with this place, and overjoyed that i get to go there while i'm here!
well, the week coming up is Spiritual Warfare, with Dean Sherman. highly acclaimed. we shall see. . . . . .
i hope you all are well in your respective locations. i pray for you. i miss you. i think of you. God bless you!
not physically, understand, it's 70 and sunny in Chico. i actually got HOT yesterday. weird, huh?
this week was:
--Mike White
(in prose, recapped, as follows)
i knew there was something special about Mike White the first time i laid eyes on him. we had just gotten back from Steph's ranch and the dinner at chipotle on the way home. it'd been a long, tiring, but amazingly fun weekend. it was great to get away, go four-wheeling, encourage her church, and receive sweet bear hugs from her dad. the chipotle wasn't bad either.
i walked in, the first car to get back. mike (our mike, in DTS, michael wilson) and his mom, brother, and friends are there. he says Mike White came to hang out with us, but we weren't there. he came saturday, just to chill with us! wow! some 10 minutes later in comes this man, Mike White, and starts getting to know people. i do my formal introduction, as the hospitality lady you know, but he immediately puts me at ease. this man is all about relationship. all week long he modeled for us the Father's heart, time after time. Mike White woke up every morning and came to breakfast with us at 6:45. he spent his free time hanging out in the lodge with us. he took our entire DTS, BLS, and staff to in-n-out (burgers, it's a west coast thing apparently) and to an ice cream place. he brought stuffed animals for us all and held a graduation. he prayed for us. he has myspace!
i wrote him a song, out of deep appreciation. this was a week of rest, which i needed because i had stomach sickness all week. who knows what that was all about. i honestly saw Jesus in this man, a side of Him that i don't see all the time. what Mike said in class was good, but the fact that he displayed it among us made it so much more real.
this weekend 5 of the girls went to Oregon to Chantelle's house. Jake's in Sacramento with friends, Raychel's at home, and Dongman's at Yosemite with the ESL students. the ESL went away this weekend too, all but 2, one group to San Fran and one group to Yosemite. so there are 4 girls on the whole floor, and 6 guys. but it's SO quiet. there's a huge conference of youth, about 200 junior high and high-schoolers. it's CRAZY! but the lodge is still quiet. and my roommate is in oregon, it's SO WEIRD to have a room to myself. it's been 6 weeks! this is a crazy world, eh?
went to a welcome dinner/potluck at Trish's house last night, i met Trish at Matthew's (Matthew's Cafe, the church i go to here in Chico) 2 weeks ago and she invited me to this dinner connections deal. Mike, Andria M, and i went over to her house last night and with 7 others ate and fellowshipped. it was a really fun time. and at church this morning, i actually knew people who knew my name! yeah. that's so cool. the meeting this morning was really good, the sermon about submitting to one another and we had communion too. i'm so impressed with this place, and overjoyed that i get to go there while i'm here!
well, the week coming up is Spiritual Warfare, with Dean Sherman. highly acclaimed. we shall see. . . . . .
i hope you all are well in your respective locations. i pray for you. i miss you. i think of you. God bless you!
Today. . .

Hey guys! Today is finally sunny again, probably the first sunny day in week and a half or so. it's just NICE. and i am officially an aunt! Caleb Jonathan Tindor was born on Saturday, February 10th. 8 lbs, 7 oz, 21 1/4 inches long. He's so beautiful, look at the pictures! it makes me so happy. i'm sad, though, because i won't see him till sometime in June. that's disappointing. oh well. at least he and Aleen are both healthy and happy. yay!
so i'm going to Guatemala! cool beans, eh?

yeah. that's where i'm going!
here's the layout o my team:
Brandon & Julia
Dana & Rosa
Andrea (Canada)
Kara (me!)
i'm excited about the team layout. it's a good group of people, with good leaders. i'm also happy to start language classes today with Rosa teaching. She's from Columbia originally, and she and Dana (her husband) have been staffing in Guatemala for 7 months of the last year. so things are starting to shape up as far as outreach plans are concerned. yippee! please continue in prayer for our teams, both my team and the Fiji team, for unity, preparation, guidance, wisdom, and also finances. the Fiji trip is more expensive and there are quite a few people still needing funds. mine is all covered, no worries, but we appreciate any prayers in that direction for the whole team. thanks!
well that's it for me today, have a blessed day! i love you all!
outreach update
Hey this is fast, because i'm on my way out of town, but i'm going to Guatemala! officially! i think the dates are still coming, but at least i know my team and etcetera.. i'll post on all that later.
looking a little back
We have free time this afternoon. 2 glorious hours to process, sleep, get ahead, enjoy chilly sunshine, or whatever our little minds can come up with. i LOVE free time! But i also love what is scheduled normally. and hopefully tomorrow at this time we will be learning where we each are going for outreach! i'm so excited.
But anyways, i was laying around on the couch and just cracking jokes with whoever would walk through, and then i just got amazed again that i am here and learning and all the stuff that comes with DTS. this is by far the coolest experience of my life so far!
This week we are learning about walking in the Spirit, and how it is possible to live in victory and not sin. we are not under compulsion to sin, guys, God would not command us to live sinlessly if it was impossible. so why aren't we trying? that's what i've been asking myself. there's a lot of cool revelation and truth coming from this week, and this is only the 2nd day of the lecture! our speaker is Bernie Ogilvy, from New Zealand. he spent a term in parliament there recently, and just got back to speaking at YWAMs recently. i think maybe we're the 3rd school since he got out of parliament. something like that. he's so rad! i'm really enjoying it.
in other news, it's supposed to rain here tomorrow. we're all pulling for some liquid from the clouds, if you know what i mean. it's apparently been a long time coming. also, some of the guys have been growing out their facial hair and just yesterday shaved. they shaved some nasty mustaches and have been walking around like hillbillies. it's so funny. they keep reminding us that it's an opportunity to show the love of Christ despite how someone looks. i just have a hard time looking at them without pleading them to shave. oh well. :)
oh yeah. before i'm done. today is Caleb Jonathan Tindor's due date. i really really really really hope that he comes before the day is out! i talked to Aleen this morning, and no movement. but i'm praying! i'm praying for him to come and for Jake to shave his stash. God answers prayer, right???!!!!
Ok, ya'll have a great day, k? love you!
But anyways, i was laying around on the couch and just cracking jokes with whoever would walk through, and then i just got amazed again that i am here and learning and all the stuff that comes with DTS. this is by far the coolest experience of my life so far!
This week we are learning about walking in the Spirit, and how it is possible to live in victory and not sin. we are not under compulsion to sin, guys, God would not command us to live sinlessly if it was impossible. so why aren't we trying? that's what i've been asking myself. there's a lot of cool revelation and truth coming from this week, and this is only the 2nd day of the lecture! our speaker is Bernie Ogilvy, from New Zealand. he spent a term in parliament there recently, and just got back to speaking at YWAMs recently. i think maybe we're the 3rd school since he got out of parliament. something like that. he's so rad! i'm really enjoying it.
in other news, it's supposed to rain here tomorrow. we're all pulling for some liquid from the clouds, if you know what i mean. it's apparently been a long time coming. also, some of the guys have been growing out their facial hair and just yesterday shaved. they shaved some nasty mustaches and have been walking around like hillbillies. it's so funny. they keep reminding us that it's an opportunity to show the love of Christ despite how someone looks. i just have a hard time looking at them without pleading them to shave. oh well. :)
oh yeah. before i'm done. today is Caleb Jonathan Tindor's due date. i really really really really hope that he comes before the day is out! i talked to Aleen this morning, and no movement. but i'm praying! i'm praying for him to come and for Jake to shave his stash. God answers prayer, right???!!!!
Ok, ya'll have a great day, k? love you!
Downtown Chico
Hey! I just remembered that we did something cool last night that I can write about! Yay!
So last friday we went to downtown Chico and prayer-walked the streets. It was really cool. Then last night we went back to this little park with a fountain and stage and we played worship and talked to people. Jake, Raychel, Andria, Peter, and I ''led'' worship, but it was so super casual that people jumped on and off the stage, forsaking their positions to talk to people. It was sweet. 2 students from Chico State had been out to the base yesterday afternoon to tour because they are considering DTS or Mission Building. I met them and invited them to come to the park. They came and hung out for about an hour. They're a part of Intervarsity (a Christian organization on campus) and in talking to them I was able to share a verse I had gotten for them while we were in intercession this week. It was so rad! I'm really hoping to attend at least one of their meetings while I'm here and be able to encourage them. Some of our team prayed for a girl's ear last night and she got healed! She was supposed to have surgery but now she doesn't have to! How cool is God! After about an hour we packed up and convened at Starbucks. I ended up talking to a Chico State student who was studying Statics, whatever that is. Actually, I understood some of it. He doesn't have any background in Christianity, and I talked about YWAM and what we learn and that kind of stuff, but I think it was all vague to him. I wish I would've just laid out the gospel to him. He seemed open enough. So, if you think of him, pray that he keeps running into people who are perhaps bolder than I am, and that he comes to know Christ. I want another chance, but at this point all I can do is release him and prepare for the next opportunity I have with any non Christian.
All in all, it was a good night. I'm really excited because we'll probably do this every friday while we're in lecture phase.
Can you believe that I've been here for a month already? It feels like I've only been here a few days! But it's good. 7 more weeks of lecture, supposedly. We'll see.
Ok, I'm off to watch people play soccer. Thanks for reading!
So last friday we went to downtown Chico and prayer-walked the streets. It was really cool. Then last night we went back to this little park with a fountain and stage and we played worship and talked to people. Jake, Raychel, Andria, Peter, and I ''led'' worship, but it was so super casual that people jumped on and off the stage, forsaking their positions to talk to people. It was sweet. 2 students from Chico State had been out to the base yesterday afternoon to tour because they are considering DTS or Mission Building. I met them and invited them to come to the park. They came and hung out for about an hour. They're a part of Intervarsity (a Christian organization on campus) and in talking to them I was able to share a verse I had gotten for them while we were in intercession this week. It was so rad! I'm really hoping to attend at least one of their meetings while I'm here and be able to encourage them. Some of our team prayed for a girl's ear last night and she got healed! She was supposed to have surgery but now she doesn't have to! How cool is God! After about an hour we packed up and convened at Starbucks. I ended up talking to a Chico State student who was studying Statics, whatever that is. Actually, I understood some of it. He doesn't have any background in Christianity, and I talked about YWAM and what we learn and that kind of stuff, but I think it was all vague to him. I wish I would've just laid out the gospel to him. He seemed open enough. So, if you think of him, pray that he keeps running into people who are perhaps bolder than I am, and that he comes to know Christ. I want another chance, but at this point all I can do is release him and prepare for the next opportunity I have with any non Christian.
All in all, it was a good night. I'm really excited because we'll probably do this every friday while we're in lecture phase.
Can you believe that I've been here for a month already? It feels like I've only been here a few days! But it's good. 7 more weeks of lecture, supposedly. We'll see.
Ok, I'm off to watch people play soccer. Thanks for reading!
So I tried....
Uploading this video from this week for ya'll to watch. You see, I've been doing interviews with all da DTSers so that you can kind of get to know them. But, the video would not upload. So I will keep trying.
This week was really good, freeing in a lot of ways. The topic was "Plumbline", which was about aligning ourselves with truth and getting rid of stuff from the past. There was a lot of confession and forgiveness going on Thursday and Friday, in group setting. I thought it was really cool to be vulnerable yet to open up for the sake of freedom. I think I saw a little bit of why the bible says "confess your sins, one to another, that you may be healed." It was really hard, but so good. The freedom on this side is so sweet. And it really bonded us together as a team to hear deep and dark secrets, to extend the assurance of forgiveness from the Father, and to trust each other with our souls. I love these people more than I did before.
This week was exhausting, not going to lie. But it was good in a way that I didn't expect. The amount to which I was scared about this week is far overshadowed by the amount of freedom I have experienced. I think God is so cool for wanting us to be free! He extends such grace and forgiveness. Yeah.
Last week for church I went to this place called "Matthew's Cafe," it's a coffee shop during the week, church on sundays. It was so rad! So much cooler than I expected. I'm going to make that my home church while I'm here. I'm really psyched to go back there tomorrow!
Well, I guess that's the week, boring as it may seem there was indeed a lot that went on. Much of it, though, is intensely personal or only meaningful to me. So this is what you get!
Nothing yet as far as where I am going for outreach. Thanks so much for your prayers and friendship. I'm sorry that my posts are so lame!
I love you all!
This week was really good, freeing in a lot of ways. The topic was "Plumbline", which was about aligning ourselves with truth and getting rid of stuff from the past. There was a lot of confession and forgiveness going on Thursday and Friday, in group setting. I thought it was really cool to be vulnerable yet to open up for the sake of freedom. I think I saw a little bit of why the bible says "confess your sins, one to another, that you may be healed." It was really hard, but so good. The freedom on this side is so sweet. And it really bonded us together as a team to hear deep and dark secrets, to extend the assurance of forgiveness from the Father, and to trust each other with our souls. I love these people more than I did before.
This week was exhausting, not going to lie. But it was good in a way that I didn't expect. The amount to which I was scared about this week is far overshadowed by the amount of freedom I have experienced. I think God is so cool for wanting us to be free! He extends such grace and forgiveness. Yeah.
Last week for church I went to this place called "Matthew's Cafe," it's a coffee shop during the week, church on sundays. It was so rad! So much cooler than I expected. I'm going to make that my home church while I'm here. I'm really psyched to go back there tomorrow!
Well, I guess that's the week, boring as it may seem there was indeed a lot that went on. Much of it, though, is intensely personal or only meaningful to me. So this is what you get!
Nothing yet as far as where I am going for outreach. Thanks so much for your prayers and friendship. I'm sorry that my posts are so lame!
I love you all!
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