
:: exactly ::

How many credit hours does it take to graduate from Ohio State with a Bachelor's degree?


In all of my college career I've taken these random classes; fencing, choir, design...in my mind it was just for fun. I enjoyed them all to a certain extent, although fencing got really dull.

I found out yesterday, through a series of events far above my control (of which I will post in the future) that none of those credits were wasted. I needed every single one, so that at the end of December I will be done with coursework at OSU and be able to do some experiential stuff abroad, apart from the university.

If I hadn't taken fencing.....this couldn't be happening.
If I hadn't taken choir for 4 quarters, this couldn't be happening.
If I hadn't listened to that still small voice and took Design 797...the most random class ever which also set me up for the craziest job ever.....none of this could be happening.

What I hear Him saying is: it's not wasted. Every one of those classes was in His hand to bring me to today, where I can tell you that He is working visibly now, and I am stunned. Indeed He works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Don't sweat the small stuff -- who knows what bigger story it's a part of?

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