
before i say goodbye. . .

Hi everyone! Before i say goodbye and head off to Guatemala, i just wanted to drop a few lines and say some things.

1) i will be periodically updating this blog and/or sending out mass emails depending on the amount of time and internet connections available.
2) there will be a team update posted on the YWAM Chico website every week, so you can at least get generic information as to what we are doing and where. That update will be found here unless i notify you otherwise.
3) our time in Guatemala looks roughly like this:
Antigua - 3 weeks
San Pedro - 2 weeks
Guatemala City - 2 weeks

i know that's nothing exact, but i don't know much more. our team would appreciate any prayer or intercession that you would partner with us in, and i personally look forward to sharing reports of God's faithfulness with you either from Guatemala or upon our return. We'll be back May 19th, graduate May 20th, and then this wonderful thing called DTS will be over. What a phenomenon.

Well friends, i've got to go and weigh my suitcase to make sure it is suitable for travel. i love you all and am praying for you. thank you for partnering with me in relationship!

all for the glory of God,
