
So I tried....

Uploading this video from this week for ya'll to watch. You see, I've been doing interviews with all da DTSers so that you can kind of get to know them. But, the video would not upload. So I will keep trying.

This week was really good, freeing in a lot of ways. The topic was "Plumbline", which was about aligning ourselves with truth and getting rid of stuff from the past. There was a lot of confession and forgiveness going on Thursday and Friday, in group setting. I thought it was really cool to be vulnerable yet to open up for the sake of freedom. I think I saw a little bit of why the bible says "confess your sins, one to another, that you may be healed." It was really hard, but so good. The freedom on this side is so sweet. And it really bonded us together as a team to hear deep and dark secrets, to extend the assurance of forgiveness from the Father, and to trust each other with our souls. I love these people more than I did before.

This week was exhausting, not going to lie. But it was good in a way that I didn't expect. The amount to which I was scared about this week is far overshadowed by the amount of freedom I have experienced. I think God is so cool for wanting us to be free! He extends such grace and forgiveness. Yeah.

Last week for church I went to this place called "Matthew's Cafe," it's a coffee shop during the week, church on sundays. It was so rad! So much cooler than I expected. I'm going to make that my home church while I'm here. I'm really psyched to go back there tomorrow!

Well, I guess that's the week, boring as it may seem there was indeed a lot that went on. Much of it, though, is intensely personal or only meaningful to me. So this is what you get!

Nothing yet as far as where I am going for outreach. Thanks so much for your prayers and friendship. I'm sorry that my posts are so lame!

I love you all!

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