
The Balanced Christian Life

This is a brief summary of part of the teaching last week. It was definitely more in depth and, well, deep, but I think this sums it up fairy well.

Things are going well, no worries. When there is news you will hear!

There are three parts to the Christian life that must be kept in balance. If one is emphasized more than the others, the true beauty of relationship with God will be compromised, and we will in live in frustration.

1. Being a child. (relationship, intimacy with God)

God is father, and we are His children. To keep close there must be communication. For Christians, that’s prayer. Prayer is conversation, talking to God, all day long. God wants to hear our voice. It’s not religion, it’s really all about relationship, praying because we want to get closer to God.

2. Becoming like Jesus.

Just as all children grown, we should be growing, changing the way we think and seeing with God’s

eyes. Our character and mind should look like Him.

3. Building the Kingdom.

As we have that close relationship with God and are becoming like Jesus, we will start to take on the priorities of God. Our question will not be, what can God do for me, but what can I do for God? His dream will become our dream.

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