
wrapping up the week.

Hello, and welcome to day 6 of life in Chico, CA. This will be fast, because we're all about to watch Nacho Libre and chill out for the night.

This week went really well. Week 1 of DTS consists (in Chico) of orientation, a few base meetings, a lot of random getting-to-know-you stuff, good food, hikes in the canyon, going to Walmart in Chico, and in general having a swell time.

We did start lectures wednesday, and i'm really excited. i think that these 5 months will be amazing. absolutely wonderful!

A few things about our group: we're VERY loud. It's just like home!

Anyways. What did i learn this week? i learned.........a lot! That you can never know what to expect! And that's not a bad thing! i also learned a little bit of God's unconditional love. And in class we were meditating on Jeremiah 33.3, our school's theme verse:

call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.

During the meditating i was struck by the fact that God has promised to answer us, when we call. It was a reminder of His statement: "I WILL answer you"....i needed that. i've been frustrated at the silence i feel when i'm praying and waiting on God, frustrated at my impatience and lack of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. i guess it's something you grow in. But anyways, it was an awesome reminder of God's faithfulness, that He is waiting for me to call to Him. He's not witholding His voice from me for any other reason than me not calling to Him. So i've decided to call to Him more often. i'll let you know how it all works out. :)

Tomorrow morning we're taking a van to City Lights, one of the local churches. There's also a Vineyard around that i would like to check out. We'll see.

Well, i just got the call to watch the movie, so i'm out for now. Love to you all, near and far away!

peace --


1 comment:

Chris Snyder said...

I feel you with the unanswered prayer thing. It isn't Him that witholds answers, it us not listening to Him, or not patiently waiting for answers. I need to be better at listening and waiting, myself.

Psalm 118:5-6
In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?