
Rubiks Cubes

My mind is in this intense fog but still I am attempting to solve this Rubiks cube. To no avail, as you may have guessed. I can get the green side (with the help of the directions) but then when I try to work on the other sides I always mess it up. It's not as easy as it looks. :)

The baby dedication was great, and we're back in Ohio. Aleen and Caleb are here with us, which is nice. Tomorrow I start my new job, I'm pretty excited, and then we are having a girls night!

. . . later . . .

I'm a little more awake! yippee! had dinner, ran, showered, etcetera. and now, the mental preparation for work tomorrow, day 1. I'm really excited to be having a job again, to have a schedule to my days. Here I was thinking it would end all my scheduling problems to have a 10:30-2:30 schedule, but then madre and I start talking about having my cousin Leah over for a weekend and things get crazy. I love my schedule for evening and weekends, but for lunches and day trips it's no good. oh well, you can't have it both ways I guess

I came across this quote in a wine ad at the hotel saturday night (why do I read wine ads? don't ask.) and it got me thinking: "can you harvest a way of life?" that's what the quote said, with regard to wine/grapes. But now I'm wondering if,

by sowing the seeds of what I like
can I harvest indeed, a way of life?

I'm not sure. But if true, it lends itself to intentionality in these days, a theme that I come across from time to time with much regularity. Re-occurrence of this theme probably means that it is quite important, but seeing as how it's not my way of life yet it means I still haven't got it.

Well, I'm in for a nice night watching "Driving Miss Daisy," a 1990 film with Morgan Freeman and Dan Ackroyd that my parents love. I'll go to bed early, I hope, because . . .

i have to work tomorrow!!!

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